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University Policies


Students at the University of Cincinnati are expected to attend classes in order to meet the learning objectives for the course. Students are expected to follow the class attendance policy as outlined by the instructor. Students participating in official University sponsored activities, where the student is representing the University, will meet with instructor related to absences due to university-sponsored activities. When such absences occur, students need to provide documentation of the event(s), and work with the professor to develop a written plan for completion of missed assignments or other course requirements with as much advance notice as possible.

Religious Accommodations

Ohio law and the University’s Student Religious Accommodations for Courses Policy 1.3.7 permits a student, upon request, to be absent for reasons of faith or religious or spiritual belief system or participate in organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or other religious or spiritual organization and/or to receive alternative accommodations with regard to examinations and other course requirements due to an absence permitted for the above-described reasons. Not later than fourteen days after the first day of instruction in the course, a student should provide the instructor with written notice of the specific dates for which the student requests alternative accommodations. For additional information about this policy, please contact the Executive Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access at (513) 556-5503 or oeohelp@UCMAIL.UC.EDU


All university business must be conducted using a university assigned email account. The use of a personal, or non-university assigned email account to conduct university business is strictly prohibited. See full policy here.

Class Cancellation Policy

In the rare case that a class must be cancelled, faculty will post an announcement on the LMS that will be emailed to students. Faculty will attempt to communicate class cancellations with as much advance notice as possible. Students should be sure that their LMS email is current and valid to ensure emails are received. If the University closes due to inclement weather or other emergency situations, there will be an announcement posted on Canvas (LMS) and if possible on the local news channels (TV and radio). Communications related to University closures will also be sent to the student’s cell phone number on record through the automatic University emergency text messaging system. Students should notify the University if they change their cell phone number to ensure they will receive these important emergency communications.

Academic Integrity

The University of Cincinnati is committed to academic integrity. A formal articulation of this commitment is articulated in the Student Code of Conduct. Any violation of these rules, including plagiarism or cheating will be handled on a case-by-case basis. At the least, you should anticipate a zero on an assignment, at the fullest extent, your violation will be reported to the university and the incident will be documented on your permanent record.

Accessibility and Special Needs

The University of Cincinnati is committed to providing all students with equal access to learning opportunities. If you have a physical, psychological, or cognitive disability (learning, ADD/ADHD, psychological, visual, hearing, physical, cognitive, medical condition, etc.), UC’s Accessibility Resources and your college's Access Coordinator are here to ensure you receive reasonable accommodations. ​

I encourage you to contact Accessibility Resources to schedule a confidential meeting to discuss services and accommodations, or to begin by registering for accommodations. UC uses an online system called UC Accommodate, where you’ll be able to register and manage your accommodations (use your UC username and password for access). Below are a few helpful UC Accommodate resources:​

Counseling Services

All UC students have access to counseling and mental health care through University Health Services (UHS), which can provide both psychotherapy and psychiatric services. In addition, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) can provide professional counseling upon request; students may receive five free counseling sessions through CAPS without insurance. Students are encouraged to seek assistance for anxiety, depression, trauma/assault, adjustment to college life, interpersonal/relational difficulty, sexuality, family conflict, grief and loss, disordered eating and body image, alcohol and substance abuse, anger management, identity development, and any other issues or concerns. After hours, students may call UHS at 513-556-2564 or CAPS Cares at 513-556-0648. For urgent physician consultation after-hours, students may call 513-584-7777.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The University of Cincinnati embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion as core values that empower individuals to transform their lives and achieve their highest potential. The University of Cincinnati recognizes a very broad and inclusive concept of diversity that includes commonly recognized considerations such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability status, socioeconomic status, gender identity and expression, sexual identity, sexual orientation, religion, and regional or national origin. Going forward, we emphasize that UC’s concept of diversity will retain the capacity to grow with our understanding. Inclusion authentically brings traditionally excluded individuals and/or groups into processes, activities, and decision/policy making. We are committed to creating and fostering a positive learning and working environment based on open communication, mutual respect, and inclusion.

Valuing Student Identity

The College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, & Information Technology recognizes that gender identity is fluid and respects those that may not identify with the gender binary. Please feel free to share your lived pronouns with the instructors and staff members you may work with, in order to avoid misgendering in the learning space. To learn more about pronoun use, please check out

We also understand that names may have some personal, cultural, or familial importance to everyone. If your name is being pronounced incorrectly in class, please make sure to find time to correct me through email or after class.

Title IX

Title IX is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation. Title IX also address instances of sexual violence, dating or domestic violence, and stalking. If a student discloses a Title IX issue to a faculty member, the faculty member is required to forward that information to the Title IX Office. The Title IX office will follow up with the student and discuss how the University can take steps to address the impact on the student and the community. They will also inform the student of their rights and direct them to available resources. The priority is to make sure students are safe and successful here at the University of Cincinnati. Students are not required to talk to anyone in the Title IX Office. Students may also directly report any instance of sex or gender-based discrimination, harassment or violence to the Title IX office at 513-556-3349. Students who wish to know more about their rights and resources on campus, they can consult the Title IX website or contact the Title IX office directly at 513-556-3349.