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Getting Started with your VMs


This lab will get you familiar with the VM Sandbox environment, creating a CentOS VM and a Window VM.

Firefox is recommended for all labs. Please note, while the VM Sandbox environment is very robust, it is not perfect. Do not expect high level of performance and anticipate that there might be some latency issues, especially if you are working off-campus.

Setting-up Virtual Machines for this Class

First, login to

Select the domain "" and click Next.

Screenshot of Sandbox login domain selection

Sign in with your UC username and password.

Screenshot of Sandbox login page

Click the "Deployments" tab, which will contain all of your requests. Select your "Scripting Language" Deployment

Screenshot of Sandbox Deployments page for IT3038C

Linux Setup and Validation

Let's select the CentOS server first. Hover over the machine and click the blue gear icon. Click "Connect Using Remote Console"

Screenshot of Sandbox connect to console dropdown for CentOS

Click into the window and press ENTER to show the login prompt. Login using the following credentials:

  • Localhost login: student
  • Password: Pa$$w0rd

Click Applications | Terminal

Screenshot of CentOS applications menu

Go ahead and run this command:

sudo su

Enter the password above once again. Now run some of these commands:


A proper ping response confirms we have an internet connection. Press ctrl-c to end the ping.

Run the command

ip a

You should see results similar to what's below.

Screenshot of result of ip a command

While we're at it, let's go ahead and change the hostname of your Linux VM. Call is the same name you called your VM when we provisioned it (eg. reedws-centos)

To change it,

hostnamectl set-hostname reedws-centos ### replace reedws with your username

Follow this up with a reboot to finalize both our network and hostname settings.


That'll do it for our CentOS setup for now. Let's switch to Windows.

Linux Software

Let's install all of the software we're going to need for our class. Please install all software with it's default options.


sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
git config --global "username@abc.example" ### replace email with the one on your github account
git config --global "Your Name"

VS Code

Download and install VSCode from and choose the link for the .rpm installer.

Screenshot of VSCode download page

Then open a terminal and run the following commands:

sudo rpm -i /path/to/code.rpm

Windows Setup

Click the Blue Gear icon next to our Windows machine. Again, click "Connect using Remote Console"

Screenshot of Sandbox connect to console dropdown for Windows

At the login prompt, login as:

  • User: Administrator
  • Password:Pa$$w0rd

Click the Start Menu and type PowerShell to launch the PowerShell window.

Screenshot of Windows Start Menu with search for "po"

First, confirm we have an IP address.


Screenshot of result of ipconfig command

Also confirm we can ping a website.


Screenshot of result of ping command for

And why don't we confirm that we can ping our linux machine. You can get the IP address from the ip addr command that we ran above (hint: it starts with 192.)

ping    # This will be different for you

Screenshot of result of ping command for CentOS

Finally, let's change our Windows hostname as well:

rename-computer reedws-win    ### replace reedws with your username

Now, restart your Windows machine

shutdown -r

Once rebooted, please take a snapshot of each one of your VMs. From the blue gear menu, click "Create Snapshot". Give it a name if you want, and click Submit. Do this on both your Windows and Linux VMs.

Screenshot of Sandbox Create Snapshot dropdown